On 11/3/07, tanzeem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have 3 php files pag1.php,page2.php,page3.php
> I posted to page2.php from page1.php
> Then again posted from page2.php to page3.php
> But when i click th back button from page3.php in IE 6.0 it displays
> a page cannot be displayed error.
> When i tried the same with Firefox it displayed the page2.php correctly.
> Can anyone suggest a solution to thsi problem

im surprised you  dont get a warning in firefox as well.
when you send a request to the server  via HTTP POST,
subsequent retransmission of the same request causes browsers
to generate an warning.
the reason is because HTTP POST is designed for requests that will
alerter, add, or destroy data on the server; typically in a database
these days, whereas a get request is just for viewing a resource.
think of a site where you make a purchase.  on the last page of
the checkout process, your sensitive data is posted to the server,
then if you try pressing back the warning is raised by the browser.
this is so your card is not accidentally billed twice, and usually
you will see messages on the page that say dont press back or
dont send this page twice.

so if youre pages constitute a request that inovokes a change
in the data on the server, they are probly fine already.  otherwise
switch the request method to get, and youll be able to use the
back button w/o warning.


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