This is a much better solution.  I didn't realise that str_replace()
accepted arrays as arguments for the search and replace terms.

Mental note:  reading mailing lists backwards doesn't work.

Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 23:24 -0300, Martin Alterisio wrote:
>> 2007/11/6, Alberto García Gómez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I'm a mess in regular expressions and I make this code:
>>> $link = ereg_replace('&ntilde;','n',$link);
>>> $link = ereg_replace('&aacute;','a',$link);
>>> $link = ereg_replace('&eacute;','e',$link);
>>> $link = ereg_replace('&iacute;','i',$link);
>>> $link = ereg_replace('&oacute;','o',$link);
>>> $link = ereg_replace('&uacute;','u',$link);
>>> I ask if is a way to make those lines into a single one but working as
>>> well as this piece. I'm thinking in increase those lines so will be
>>> wonderful if I can optimize the code.
> <?php
>     $map = array
>     (
>         '&ntilde;', 'n',
>         '&aacute;', 'a',
>         '&eacute;', 'e',
>         '&iacute;', 'i',
>         '&oacute;', 'o',
>         '&uacute;', 'u',
>     );
>     $link =
>         str_replace(
>             array_keys( $map ), array_values( $map ), $link );
> ?>
> The only way to make it faster is to build the key array and value array
> separately, but then the association is not so clear.
> Cheers,
> Rob.

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