Børge Holen wrote:
> On Sunday 11 November 2007 20:36:39 Jochem Maas wrote:
>> Jay Blanchard wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>> Being very new to PHP (empahsis on VERY...), I wonder what most of you
>>> use
>>> to develop in PHP?
>>> [/snip]
>>> Search the archives, there was a discussion on IDE's just last week.
>> and pretty much every week before that :-)
>> when beginning your most valuable tool is not the IDE but ...
>> http://php.net/ as in
>> http://php.net/<search-param|function-name|extension-name|etc>
>> and when your really stuck, a well thought out question to this list
>> will usually result in "something helpful"[tm].
> WHAT... whenever did that happen?!!?

no sure about the well thought out question.
with regard to "something helpful" you have to remember it's something
akin to microsoft's "innovative software and fair market practices"


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