Hi Tedd:

> >     Also, while I'm asking questions, let me ask another one: I've
> >seen several pages (frequently, pages that come up after a login
> >page has been filled out) that provide some user mollification (you
> >know, the typical "Please be patient, don't get your nylons in a
> >knot, we're typing as fast as we can" message), often with some type
> >of moving text or graphics (probably an animated GIF) that then goes
> >away after a certain time and a third page is displayed.
> Here's a collection of animated wait gifs:
> http://webbytedd.com/bb/wait/
> Steal as you need -- I did.

    Thanks.  I'll check that out.  I'm still wondering, though, how the
redirection works if it is supposed to occur only before any text appears in
the <BODY>.

> >I know that the headers("Location") code can do this, but I was
> >under the (probably mistaken) impression that this will NOT work if
> >information has already been displayed on the page.  If that's the
> >case, how are these other pages doing this?  Knowing how to move
> >from page to page this way would really be helpful.
> Check out php sessions for passing data between pages.
> http://www.php.net/session
> http://www.tizag.com/phpT/phpsessions.php

    I guess these will help explain things.  Thanks.

    Greatly appreciated!


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