On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 11:48:07 am Stephen Edberg wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Jeffery Fernandez wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am having trouble generating a sequence of numbers from the following
> > start value:
> > AX0001
> >
> > what I have done so far is loop through each character and check if its a
> > alphabet and separating the characters and digits.
> >
> > But when I increment the digits, its strips of the leading zeros. How can
> > I get a sequence of values like:
> >
> > AX0001
> > AX0002
> > AX0003
> > AX0004
> > .....
> > AX0099
> > AX0100
> >
> > and so on ?
> >
> > jeffery
> > --
> Probably the easiest way is sprintf(); for example,
>        sprintf('%04.0d', 34) returns 0034

Thanks mate, that works like a charm. :)


> See
>       http://www.php.net/sprintf
> ...........................................................
> . Steve Edberg                       [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> . Computer Consultant     University of California, Davis .
> .                                           (530)754-9127 .
> ...........................................................

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