
Why don't leave the "pinging" to some other script, and have that other
script run continuesouly and upfate a sql table with the ststus of each 
and time stamp of when it was last ping'ed...etc


Brian wrote:
> I'm writing a script to help us manage one of our Class C networks.  The
> page loads all of the host IPs, who owns them, phys desc. of the box, and
> does a forward reverse lookup on all of the addresses.  I'd like to add a
> column that shows which machines are currently reachable on the network.  A
> simple ping would probably be easiest, but parsing a standard ping for 254
> hosts would cause the script to have about a 10 minute load time. are there
> any quick easy, and most importly, low system overhead, solutions to this
> problem?
> Brian Artiaco
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