I have a multidimensional array being created by a form.  Most fields are
pre-populated with a few that people can add to the list.  There is a box
beside each row that they can check whether that item is in or not.

My code to list only the rows that were checked is this..

for ($j=1 ; $j=5; $j++)
        for ($i=0 ; $i<count($check[$j]) ; $i++)
                if ($check[$j][$i] == "1")//was boxed checked?
                        $message .= "$pre[$j][$i]. .$post[$j][$i]. .$name[$j][$i].
.$city[$j][$i]. .$state[$j][$i]\n";

This code is creating an endless loop and times out the server with memory

What am I missing?

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