tedd wrote:
> At 9:37 AM -0400 11/27/07, Jeff Benetti wrote:
>> Any any and all comments are welcome, it will be a learning curve no
>> matter
>> which route I take so a little advice on the best direction pros cons
>> would
>> be great.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
> Jeff:
> If it were me, I wouldn't use any problematic browser detects schemes
> (they don't work) or any of that high-thought stuff -- it's beyond me.

whether it's beyond you or not only you can judge, but I disagree that it's
problematic. I should note that I recommend using browser language preference
detection (as per my previous post) as a means to initially select a [hopefully]
suitable language BUT that this should be done in addition to offer the user
an explicit mechanism for language selection.

> I would simply use a "click here" for English/French/Whatever link and
> then pull all the language specific stuff from the dB. Then throw the
> user's choice in a session and carry-on -- simple.
> It wouldn't be any different than a php style sheet switcher, like this:
> http://sperling.com/examples/styleswitch1/
> Instead of green/red/blue/black, why not English/French/Spanish/German?
> HTH's
> Cheers,
> tedd

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