On Dec 18, 2007 10:01 PM, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, December 18, 2007 9:17 am, Richard Heyes wrote:
> > Emails that bounce get sent back to the address in the Return-Path:
> > header. Correct?
> Depends on who is following which standards from which era...
> There was an "Error-to:" header that was popular for awhile, and...
> I don't think you can safely assume all email clients/muas/mtas are
> going to actually follow the same standard you are reading, much less
> follow it correctly. :-)
> ymmv

    This is just the opinion of one asshole, mind you, but considering
how much of an asshole I am, that means my opinion *really* matters,
right?  I think that any MTA or client that doesn't work with the
Reply-To header isn't worth beans.

Daniel P. Brown
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