Richard Lynch wrote:
On Wed, December 19, 2007 4:13 am, Sancar Saran wrote:
I want know  to you opinions about using $GLOBALS directly.


$GLOBALS['myString'] = 'test';
$GLOBALS['myArray']['this'] = 'this';
$GLOBALS['myArray']['that'] = 'that';
$GLOBALS['myClassObj] = new SomeClass;


You are using global variables, and you might as well admit it and use
the 'global' keyword to designate them as such.

Poking stuff into $GLOBALS instead just makes it look like you're
trying to pretend you're not using global variables when you are, to

I did form this opinion before altering $GLOBALS was a documented

I would have to disagree. Using the global keyword makes it less obvious that the variable your dealing with is in the global scope. Using $GLOBALS instead makes it clear to anyone looking at the code that you're dealing with a global variable.

What I would say is that just because you can use global variables in this manner it doesn't mean they're not evil and IMHO they really should be avoided at all costs. I'm yet to come across a *good* reason to use a global variable.



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