I saw it, it only converts BBCode to HTML.
BBCode to HTML isn't a problem - a child can do that with str_replace and a
little help of preg_replace for links and images. The trick is that i need a
HTML to BBCode parser.

2007/12/20, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Dec 20, 2007 10:30 AM, Arvids Godjuks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I'm looking for fast HTML parser, witch can give me a tree of tags with
> > their attributes.
> > Maybe some one know a good HTML to BBCode parser, because that's exactly
> > what i need. tried looking Google, doesn't helped much, still need to
> make a
> > HTML to BBCode parser myself.
> >
>    I'm not sure if the PECL BBCode module will help you or not (I'm
> not sure if it reverses the code), but it may.
>    http://pecl.php.net/package/bbcode
> --
> Daniel P. Brown
> [Phone Numbers Go Here!]
> [They're Hidden From View!]
> If at first you don't succeed, stick to what you know best so that you
> can make enough money to pay someone else to do it for you.

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