tedd schreef:
> Hi gang:
> Using:
> $unix_in = 1255845600;
> echo(date("M d, Y h:i:s a",$unix_in));
> On one sever, produces: Oct 18, 2009 02:00:00 am
> But on another sever, produces: Oct 18, 2009 12:00:00 am
> This difference appears to be a combination of "time-zone" and
> "daylight-savings" considerations. In other words, the function date()
> looks at the server's time (whatever that is set for, right or wrong)
> and uses that for the calculation.
> So, what's the best method in keeping things consistent across servers?
> Is there one?

not sure exactly what your requirements are (and I can easily lose days
f'ing around with these kinds of dates issues) but have you checked out
gmdate() and it's friends (gm = GMT)?


> Cheers,
> tedd

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