First, i'm sorry if this is an out of topic subject, but i've try to post
this email to one of postgres mailing list, and i can't find any help there.
i wish, if one of you know the solutions of my problem, you can share it
with me.

i create a little stored procedure using plpgsql from pgaccess. function
input is table name where the function will simply iterate along each record
in the table and raise notice for each of them.

when i run this function from shell command using : select
browse_table('sex'), the function error with error message 'ERROR:  parser:
parse error at or near "$2"'. As i concern, this error came from the line i
mark because the function can't receive variable 'table_name' to generate

i'm new here, so can some body help me, please....

the source code is below.
        table_name ALIAS for $1;
        each_row RECORD;
        FOR each_row IN select * from table_name LOOP     ==> i believe this's an
error source
                raise notice 'row';
        END LOOP;
function description :
function name : browse_table
returns   : bpchar
parameters        : bpchar
language          : plpgsql


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