It's a feature of PHP that it automatically escapes data submitted in

It's nice in that it adds to how secure PHP code is, but it can be a hassle.
Not sure if there is a function which removes escape characters will leaving
normal backslashes alone. If you REALLY need to turn it off I believe it's
the magic_quotes_gpc option.


""Mark Rogers"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9eavif$dks$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9eavif$dks$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> If I submit a string to a script via GET which contains quotes, how should
> they appear in my script?
> Eg:
>     --- test.php ---
>     echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['test'];
> Go to:
>     test.php?test=this+doesn%27t+work
> .. and you get:
>     this doesn\'t work
> (Char 27 is a single quote. Echoing $test gives the same result.)
> I can use stripslashes lose the escape char, but should this be necessary?
> I'm using v4.0.4pl1
> --
> Mark Rogers
> Lose the -news in the email address if replying direct
> --
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