On Tue, January 15, 2008 12:34 am, Naz Gassiep wrote:
> What's the current status on this bug:
> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39164
> Regardless of what the PHP developers say in those comments, the
> modification of data when it is read is not correct. If it is intended
> behavior, then the developer/s who intend it to be that way are wrong.
> Under no circumstances can it be considered appropriate for any read
> operation to write anything.
> Some clarity on this matter would be great.

The current status is closed as bogus.

I dunno WHY they think it's bogus, but there it is.

Perhaps if you emailed Helly and asked what his thinking was, and
asked politely on php-internals for anybody to comment on why it
should be that way, you'd get a better response.

I don't use XML nor simpleXML enough to really comment, but at first
glance, I'd have to say that the auto-creation of a node is pretty

More research might make me change my mind...

Suppose, for example, that the XML spec REQUIRES at least one valid
node, and your XML is malformed without it.

If that were the case, PHP forcing it to be valid by adding a dummy
node seems perfectly reasonable.

You may want to also consider submitting a patch if you really think
it's wrong, and you've managed to find the commit that causes the

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