On Wed, January 16, 2008 7:34 am, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I am experimenting with the snmp_set_valueretrieval function, which
> does not appear to be documented:
> http://il.php.net/snmp_set_valueretrieval
> What does this function depend upon? Simply using it throws this:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function snmp_set_valueretrieval() in
> ~~~~
> I'm on a debian-based system (Ubuntu), so if there is a deb package
> that provides the proper libs I'd appreciate knowing about it. This is
> my build info:
> $ php -v
> PHP 5.2.1 (cli) (built: Nov 28 2007 23:14:55)

You can check at http://xlr.php.net but I suspect that it's too "new"
to be in your version of PHP.

You are on 5.2.1 and php.net is offering 5.2.5, so you're just enough
behind for this to be very plausible.

Maybe get Ubuntu to catch up? :-)

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