David Powers schreef:
Daniel Brown wrote:
    Finally, I don't want you to think that I'm personally-attacking
you in the same way you did to me

Sorry, Dan, you just don't get it, do you?

good mantra - please repeat to yourself 20 times every morning whilst
you brush your teeth. actually I might do that might self, I'm sure I don't
get 'it' either most days and besides it has something strangely zen about it

there is an adage along the lines of "we tend to accuse others of things
we despise most in ourselves" ... I know I'm guilty of that on many an occasion.
how about you?

if I am correct you are or were a journalist. forgive if I have mistaken you
for another, but if that is correct then how often have you trodden on someone's
privacy for the sake of a story? it's just a thought not an accusation. but 
you get the gist that maybe things are not so cut and dried as we sometimes 
like to think?

You published the name and email address of every single person who contributed to this mailing list in the past week. I didn't give you permission to publish my details

you already did that by posting so the info is already in the public domain and
as Dan pointed out he's not actually in violation of anything - having
explained to you the actually status quo with regard to british/european
privacy law.

, and I'm pretty sure the same goes for just about everyone else.

he doesn't need my permission. but if he did he just got it, and that
probably goes for most other people on this list. I have a feeling you pretty
much on your own here.

Instead of apologizing to everyone here, you have sought to ridicule my position.

oh you did a pretty good job of that all by yourself from where I'm standing ;-)

why not get over it and join the club instead of knocking it?

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