On Jan 24, 2008 10:44 AM, Luc Maltier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> My first message:
> I've just updated PHP from 5.1.4 to 5.2.5 (to solve an Apache problem when
> double-clicking on links). This was successful, as the problem is now
> solved, but I now, sometimes, get a message stating that the memory is
> exhausted. I modififed php.ini and set memory_limit to 16M (instead of 8M
> with PHP5.1.4), then 32M, then 64M, with the same message. With 128M, it
> works. Can this change in memory required be considered as normal? I don't
> think so... Is there any explanation?
> Details:
> - Platform: Windows.
> - I used Windows binaries (no C compiler available). The part causing the
> error uses jpgraph (for generating .png files) and the png files are used
> when generating a PDF file (by the tcpdf library) (the gd extension is
> used).
> A second issue with this release: When I made the tests decribed above, I
> used 'restart' to restart the Apache server, with no error message. When I
> tried to stop Apache and start it again, I got an error message stating that
> the zend_unmangle_property_name_ex entry  cannot be found in php5ts.dll, and
> I now get this message each time I restart Apache (Apache2.2),. But it seems
> that Apache works normally nonetheless. I made sure that the php5ts.dll used
> is the right version for 5.2.5. Any idea?
> Thanks for any suggestion!

On sites I work on we keep the memory limit quite low.  Then on pages
that require more memory for image manipulation or what have you I
just ini_set the memory limit up to something I need.  This isn't a
practical solution for all people but it works well for me as it is a
dedicated server under my control.

As for your second part I have no idea.  Try the Windows PHP users list.

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