
Sorry for newbie question, how I compile MySQL from SRPM?
I know how to compile from source tar bar but not form SRPM.

Simple step to show how would be nice.

Thanks in advance.

Chris Lee

On 21 May 2001 16:43:48 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason
Murray) wrote:

>> All were installed using Red Hat RPMs.  (Is this where I 
>> screwed up from the start?)
>Not neccessarily.
>You might be able to find a PHP RPM with MySQL enabled, or download 
>the source RPM (SRPM), edit the specfile and turn on the options you
>need (you can then rebuild the RPM so you can reinstall if needed).
>That said, I do find it kinda easy to compile PHP from the source 
>code these days, and I'm no *nix guru.
>Jason Murray
>Web Developer, Melbourne IT
>"What'll Scorpy use wormhole technology for?"
>'Faster pizza delivery.'

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