On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 17:50 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 17:32 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
> >> Robert Cummings wrote:
> >> 
> >> > The only remedy agaonst remote linking is to embed some kind of
> >> > expiration in the link that accesses the document.
> >> 
> >> Wouldn't a check of the REFERER field be enough to disable most
> >> remote
> >> links?  (I know it is easily forged.)
> > 
> > Referer value is completely worthless. Many people completely disable
> > it-- such as myself :)
> Well then - for people who've disabled it, there's no remote linking to
> your content.  All done.

Is that what you tell paid subscribers? I'd tell you where to shove
it :)

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