what is the output of $results ?


try another command, ie.

exec("echo hello world", $results);
exec("echo hello world > /tmp/test.txt", $results);

does that work? does that file aliases.db permissions set as world
writeable, or the user.group set to nobody.nobody (ie. whatever your
webserver is set to), or does postalias run as suid root ? what Im getting
at is maybe the app is being run but doesnt have the permissions to edit the
file because of the user.group that is running the app.


  Chris Lee

"Nashirak Bosk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am trying to run a something everytime a certain page is loaded.  I am
> using PHP4 and am running Debian Linux.  I am trying to run this command
> with exec:
>  exec("/usr/sbin/postalias hash:aliases", $results);
> In case you are curious this turns a file called aliases into a hashed
> aliases file (aliases.db) so that postfix (a mail program), can look at
> this aliases file.  I put this in a page and the page loads with no
> errors, but the command doesnt look like it was ever run.  If I check
> the aliases.db file the modified date is never right.  Any thoughts or
> suggestions on what is going on or howto debug this so I can get more
> information (I have been echoing the results but nothing comes up).
> Thanks for you time.
> --
> -------------------------------
> Clayton Bluhm
> Computer Engineering Student

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