Jim Lucas wrote:
> nihilism machine wrote:
>> this still does not work, if a domain has no preceeding www. it
>> redirects to http://www.www.site.com, if it has a www. it goes to
>> www.www.mydomain.com, any ideas?
> If you are running Apache, you do realize that all of this can be done
> in Apache instead of PHP right?
> Here is an example of what I have on my domain.
> <VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80>
>         ServerName example.com
>         ServerAlias wwww.example.com
>         ServerAlias ww.example.com
>         RedirectMatch (.*) http://www.example.com$1
> </VirtualHost>
> Jim Lucas

Or in DNS zone file (assuming you have an A record for example.com):

www.example.com.                 IN CNAME        example.com.

Many ways to skin a cat, and they are all fun!


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