Windows also have something similar to cron
Schedule accessory can also be set to execute some php every xxx minutes/days etc

For linux it is much easier ,
create file eg cron.txt that has this content
* 1 * * * /home/user/cleanUpDB.php

save it and than enter in console

crontab cron.txt

this will install cron job that will execute /home/user/ cleanUpDB.php script
every day at 1AM .

One note on executing PHP scripts by cron ,you may want to include path of PHP binary as it may not be in
* 1 * * * /library/php5/bin/php /home/user/cleanUpDB.php

where  /library/php5/bin/php is absolute path to yours PHP binary file

On Feb 25, 2008, at 7:46 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 07:39 +0100, Zoran Bogdanov wrote:
How can you perform a timed event in PHP; for example:

Count 24 hours and then delete all rows in a database...

I thought that this question was answered in some detail before...

Anyway, on *NIX based systems use cron.daily or on 'doze, use AT or
command scheduler I think it's called.

Either that or use a long running PHP process with ignore_user_abort()
and a time of 86400 seconds :)


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