OK.. I was referring to the lack of if checking on your post.. But I  should
have assumed that you did it that way.

As long as your validating whether you are secure before you try and go
secure is what I was getting at.

Also, I agree on odd usage of port numbers, most of my stuff runs on
standard ports, so I have never had any issues on that front.
Stephen Johnson c | eh
The Lone Coder

continuing the struggle against bad code

I¹m a geek and I¹m OK!

> From: Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 14:26:12 -0500
> To: Stephen Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Rick Pasotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <php-general@lists.php.net>
> Subject: Re: [PHP] checking for and enforcing https
> Nope, it works like a charm for me, but I have it in an IF statement checking
> to see if the requestor is https or not to begin with.
> I actually have it called as a function that passes in the rest of the path of
> the file that is being requested, which is called within an included page,
> which is included via a function call in a page that is automagically
> pre-pended to every page on the site.
> And it works like a charm no matter where you are trying to hit it or how many
> sites/links you move in an out of.
> Wolf

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