On 23-May-01 Jon Yaggie wrote:
> Okay I am making a small script for a web design company.  What it does so
> far is take info - name, email, username,, pasword - which as all inputted
> by the designer.  Then it creates a directory clients/$username on the
> company's server for the temp home of the clients web site.  The design then
> ftps all files into this directory.  Other than index.html I have no idea
> what the other files will be. so here is the problem
> I need to find the last update of one of any file in clients/$username. 
> With out specificly knowing any of the filenames.  As i can see there is no
> way for my script to list the files in this directory and there is no
> function to test for modifications of all files in a fiven directory.  
> in the end i want that when the client logs in the script can spit out "you
> website was last updated -----"
> Ideas?

$cmd ='ls -t $dirname | head -1';
$p=popen($cmd, 'r');
echo $fname, ' modified on ', strftime('%b %e, %G', $mt);

Don Read                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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