On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Richard S. Crawford
> Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.  Unfortunately, I'm up against a
> couple of major hurdles:

    Not to be a smartass with my responses here....

> 1.  My host does not allow command line access and has disabled shell 
> execution of PHP;

    Get a new host that will allow commands and offers access to
people who know how to correctly use it.

> 2.  Error reporting has been turned off and I can't seem to turn that on
> with ini_set or error_reporting (which is fun when I have minor syntax
> errors to fix); and

    Get a new host that understands that - while they may want to hide
their own errors - disabling error_reporting for all customer websites
by default is asinine.

> 3.  My host is also stuck in PHP 4.3, so the check_syntax function isn't
> available to me either (although I understand that this function has been
> deprecated in the most recent builds of PHP).

    Get a new host that knows how to administer a web server.  PHP 4.3
was released 27 December, 2002, with the latest from the 4.3 branch
(4.3.11) being released 31 March, 2005.  The CHANGELOG should give you
an idea of how *horrible* this is: http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php

    All of PHP4 reached its EOL the last day of 2007, but at the very
least, try to find a host that uses a version of PHP newer than three
to five years old.


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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