You can indeed do this in javascript.  You need to put a FORM on the page in
the other frame and then access the data elements in that form with the
or something along those lines.

This gets pretty ugly pretty quickly, IMO.  Also, I think you could run into
some real problems if the user opens multiple browser windows for these
pages... you could easily get data that is out of sync with what is stored
on the server in the example you gave if the user opened two windows and
began modifying the data in the two forms in both windows.

I think you'd essentially be swapping one set of problems for another set of


""Jason Caldwell"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9ejakc$32m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9ejakc$32m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Is there a way to store users input on *another* page (i use frames), in
> hidden fields, then be able to update those hidden fields as the user goes
> along, also, be able to extract that data when a user returns back to a
> previous form?
> I'm thinking of using this instead of Sessions or Cookies.  Basically a
> blank page that will hold all the data from the input fields, allowing a
> user (should they need to go back, say, to form1 to make some changes,
> they click submit, form2 will still contain the data they previously
> and will not be blank, as is normally the case.)
> Thanks
> Jason

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