you could use an additional parameter containing a checksum of the entire URL, that 
you check at the 
beginning.  Of course, somebody with the right motivation could find out your checksum 
scheme (I would 
use a subset of the md5 function), but at least it won't be simple anymore.
You could also use a Session ID that you generate somewhere on your site (usually the 
start page). You 
pass that along to the form and check it for validity. PHP 4 supports sessions.
Hope this helps.

> Since nobody answered my last question (or any of them for that matter). Let
> me rephrase it a little
> different.
> Other then checking the referer (to make sure the posted data came from the
> right page)
>  and user agent (to see if it exists), is there any other way to secure a
> form from having other
> forms submitting to it?
> -dave

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