Joey wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have written an app to allow a person to go online and see a picture we
> take of them.  When we link to the picture I don't want it to be obvious
> that the URL is 
> Domain.Com/Pix/123.jpg because the next person we take a picture of may be
> 123.jpg, so I am trying to munge/obfuscate the URL to make it less obvious.

Just give the files a name based on a "Universally Unique Identifier".

OK, you /could/ get a clash of names, but this is a) very unlikely and
b) simple to check for.

There is a PECL module for PHP to generate these: (new version just a couple days ago
after a 4 year gap.... if that's not a sign I don't know what is!).

If you can't install the PECL module, but do have a MySQL server to hand
you can abuse it by doing:

mysql> SELECT UUID();
| UUID()                               |
| 14255808-4dbb-102b-a371-0015c5bd762d |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



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