---- Mary Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi all,
>     I have a linux based web app which prints an html screen of results. 
>   My users really want Excel spreadsheets with the same results.  There 
> is a PEAR application which does this,  but from the PEAR description it 
> seems to be pretty buggy (65 open bugs, average days open 616 days) and 
> dated.
>     My spreadsheets will be somewhat simple.  They will have multiple 
> workbooks and could be as large as 10000 rows spread out over 100 
> workbooks (Bigger than the code can handle, according to one of the open 
> bug reports).  No colors, no formulas, no hyperlinks.
>    I've checked the archives and found an example which shows me how to 
> write the results of an SQL (MySQL, I am using postresql, but the 
> example will still work) into a very simple Excel spreadsheet with just 
> one table of results.  Is there a way to get a php program to generate a 
> spreadsheet with multiple workbooks?
> Thanks
> Mary

You can write them via XML, but there are also come classes out there that 
people have written for doing excel stuff as well.

http://www.phpclasses.org used to be a good place to go and see what classes 
there are.


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