Shawn McKenzie wrote:

>>Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>>>Paul Scott wrote:
>>>>On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 10:32 -0400, Wolf wrote:
>>>>>I'd suggest going with a real operating system (linux) which keeps patches 
>>>>>updated quicker...
>>>>As much of a Free Software advocate as I am, that is not the answer to
>>>>the question. That being said, however, I would replace the IIS with
>>>>Apache2 at least...
>>>>I seem to remember someone posting a really good guide to setting this
>>>>all up at some stage, so a quick search through the archives should
>>>>reveal all.
>>>>All Email originating from UWC is covered by disclaimer 
>>>Download the zip and read the install.txt.  It doesn't get any easier
>>>than that. It's very straight forward and has worked for me every time.
>>Hello Shawn,
>>How to enable php 5.2.5 with MySQL 5.0.51a ?
>>Thank for your help !
>Make sure your extensions path is correct in php.ini and uncomment the
>extension=mysql.ini line in php.ini.

1, I had edited with extension=php_mysql.dll
2, Test the php with mysql by using php page with phpinfo() function,the
result of mysql is enabled.
3, I can edit the db data though the phpmyadmin tools.
4, BUT test the connection with mysql as the following code is fail :

//remember to change the password to whatever you set
//it to in mysql instance configuration

//first parameter is server name, 2nd username 'root', 3rd is password
$rst = @mysql_connect("localhost","root","root");

if (!$rst){
echo( "<p>Unable to connect to database manager.</p>");
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
} else {
echo("<p>Successfully Connected to MySQL Database Manager!</p>");

if (! @mysql_select_db("mysql") ){
echo( "<p>Unable to connect database...</p>");
} else {
echo("<p>Successfully Connected to Database 'MYSQL'!</p>");

The warning message is "Access denied...."
So, any more help ?

For the IIS configuration, load the c:\php\php-cgi.exe...

Thanks !


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