I generally use 1 hour after midnight with mktime() to avoid the edge
cases of daylight savings etc...

mktime(1, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'));

You also have to consider that you *COULD* call this right on the cusp
of midnight, and the call to date('d') could happen one day, and the
call to mktime( ) the next "day" as the clock ticked over...

At 1 am, the day doesn't change over...

Larry's probably right that you should use DateTime, but it's too
new-fangled for an old fart like me to have got around to messing with
it yet...

On Mon, March 31, 2008 3:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I tried that a big no go.
> Seems if I do a +1 i get 2 months from now and a -1 gives me the
> current month.
> $month = date("F", mktime(0,0,0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')));
> $zomonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0, date("m")-1, date("d"),
> date("Y")));
> $nmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0, date(m)+1, date(d), date("Y")));
> $month echo's MARCH should be Feb
> $zomonth echo's MARCH should be March
> $nmonth echo's MAY this should be April
> You will notice i used all options apostrophes double quotes and no
> quotes exactly the same output.
> You need apostrophes (or quotes) around your args to date() in the
> parameters...
> date('m')
> As it stands now, PHP assumes you mean the constant m
> (http://php.net/define) and that's not defined, so they are all 0.
> So you are passing in 0 to ALL the args.
> You also should use E_ALL for your error_reporting so you would SEE
> the error messages telling you about this.
> On Mon, March 31, 2008 2:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Not understanding why this is happening.
>> $month = date("F", mktime(0,0,0, date(m), date(d), date(Y)));
>> $zomonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0, date(m)-1, date(d), date(Y)));
>> echoing out the exact same month
>> March
>> March
>> Checked server timezone/date/time all is good. Am I half asleep at
>> the
>> wheel on this one and just not seeing my mistake here?
>> Richard L. Buskirk
>> Hardware Failure: $4,000.
>> Network Outage: $15,000.
>> Always blaming the programmers for everything: Priceless.
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> Some people have a "gift" link here.
> Know what I want?
> I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
> http://cdbaby.com/from/lynch
> Yeah, I get a buck. So?

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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