Nathan Nobbe wrote:

how much code is there ?

200 lines

Robert Cummings
You could provide links to the source code and post the links here.
Pastebin is often used...

Daniel Brown wrote:
By "code review", what exactly do you mean?  A look-over to see if
it's safe/secure?

Really, that would be the job of the individual programmer.
I work alone and this is basically my first program.

I'm interested in feedback as to

a. Am I using the variables correctly wrt global and local and passing by reference etc.
b. Did I use the correct functions or are there better ones
c. Security - of course
d. Any suggestions on improving overall style.

e. Is it ok to put the include file in the cgi-bin with my perl scripts.

For many of you this is basic stuff probably but I want to make sure I'm getting it right.

Note the login cookie is created by my perl script and the php program simply has to check that the user is logged in.

David J.

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