On Apr 12, 2008, at 8:28 AM, GoWtHaM NaRiSiPaLli wrote:

if(file_exists("../common/config.ini")) {
  $configData = parse_ini_file("../common/config.ini");
} else {

Try changing above code so it reads

if(file_exists("common/config.ini")) {
  $configData = parse_ini_file("common/config.ini");
} else {

As the xyz.php is in

/var/www/sites/project/ folder , and that is the starting path of the script

so any script that needs to include
you need to specify relative path to '/var/www/sites/project/' which is 'common/someFile.php'

this should work unless some of included files uses 'chdir' function that changes current directory

Igor Jocic
http://www.carster.us/ Used Car Classifieds

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