Hello All,

We many times encounter the situations of having Queries inside loop of
another query. Many times we can solve the issue by query joins but there
will be some situations where we cannot do it.

For Example:

function Change($id){

        $qry_reg = "SELECT registrationID FROM registration  WHERE event_id
= '$id'";
        $res_reg =& $this->mdb2->query($qry_reg);

        while ($row_reg = $res_reg->fetchRow()) {
            $userid = $row_reg['registrationid'];
            $sql_insert = "INSERT
               (command, event_id, created, user_id, runtime)
               ('topic_change', '".$id."', NOW(), '".$userid."', NOW())";
                $res_insert =&  $this->mdb2->query($sql_insert);


How can we deal with this kind of stuff? My concern is to just use the query
once instead on burdening the Mysql Server with so many queries.... This is
just one case. How do we actually deal with these kind of situations?


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