Have you set the content type of the form to be multipart MIME ?  That
screws me every time...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Dechery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: [PHP] upload on Win9x

> I can't get file uploads to work on my Windows 98Me running
> I did everything correctly according to the script I found on
> it simply won't go... the error message is something like "can't open
> c:\file.ext for reading"... it's like it thinks it's a local file... this
> is the code...
> <pre>
> $upload_dir="c:\\apache\\htdocs\\mydir\\";
> $upload_tmp_path=ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); // this returns the correct
> path BTW
> $file=stripslashes($file);
> $newfile=$upload_dir."file.tmp"; // just for debugging, but it still
> doesn't work...
> chdir($upload_tmp_path);
> if(!copy($file,$newfile))
> echo "<p><font face=tahoma size=2><b>Error uploading
> $newfile.</b></font></p>";
> else
> process_file($newfile);
> </pre>
> ____________________________
> . Christian Dechery (lemming)
> . http://www.tanamesa.com.br
> . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer

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