On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Nick Stinemates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's a relatively narrow minded response to my point, since I gave > a pretty concrete example of exactly what I meant, no, its a very valid criticism of your flawed example. you supply a definition of encapsulation, and then demonstrate, by example, that you dont understand its importance. > followed by a great > article which furthered my point. take a look at the books i listed in the argument last year. youll find that all the books ive ever read on oop are strong proponents of data-hiding as a component of encapsulation. The general rule of encapsulation is: Don't ask an object for data, ask > the object to work with the data. more precisely, operations on a class should be driven through a well-defined public interface. -nathan