On 4/20/08, revDAVE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/19/2008 2:37 PM, "Jason Norwood-Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Might be obvious but you are doing "mysql_query($sql);", right?
> Hello Jason,
> Thanks - Your idea worked well -  for a while - but then I ran into
> trouble...
> I added : mysql_error() and it said:
> Table 'connect2.ztest' doesn't exist
> - so I guess it was not knowing to use the 'try1' connection ( try1.ztest)
> -
> (connect2 was some other one I set up for something else)
> I'm using Dreamweaver cs3 - maybe it's confused?
> Q: Is there a way to insure that it uses the right connection ( try1 - not
> connect2 )?
> BTW: I tried `try1.ztest` but it didn't like that:
> $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `try1.ztest` ADD `myfield2` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL;';

Is try1 the name of a database? The SQL syntax is

When you issue a query using mysql_query() you can explicitly indicate the
connection (returned by mysql_connect()) to use as the second parameter,
e.g., mysql_query($sql_Statement, $returnedConnectionObject);



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