you understood right.

basically my problem is that the layout avoid it.
here is "something like" my layout :

<div#1>Lanague (label) : <img flag> <img arrow to show all languages from
<div#2> all flags</div#2>
<div#3> login field  + pwd field + submit button</div#3>

till now i only use AJAX to refresh the content of div#3
but it does not change the label from div#1 when user selects another
language from div#2.

if i place the whole form into a PHP i face several questions :
- how the ajax will reload this PHP page  (reloading itself) in the parent
control div#0 ?
- when user will click on submit button, where will be loaded the content
return of checking if log+pwd are correct ?
- how to redirect to another PHP page, when user click on submit button ?
the redirection will happen only in the content div, so only in div#0 and
not into the browser :-(


On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Thijs Lensselink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Quoting Alain Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hi,
> >
> > i'm playing around with AJAX and PHP to create something like a "small
> > desktop" application.
> > basically the first step is to log in the system.
> > for that i have a log-in form where users can choose the interface
> > language.
> >
> > here is my problem :
> > when the log-in form runs, it is in English. user can click on some
> > arrow to
> > open another DIV and display all other languages available.
> > a click on a particular flag, will call the PHP page where the log-in
> > form
> > (login field + password field) are stored with dynamic language
> > interface.
> >
> > however, i make no sense for the title of this form to call a PHP page
> > where
> > will be just 1 dynamic text (changing on flag choice).
> > so if you understand well, i have 2 divs (1 for form title, 1 for log-in
> > form itself). and i load thanks AJAX php code into divs.
> >
> > my problem is that i do not want to write a PHP page just for 1 label...
> > it
> > makes sense for a complete form but not for a simple text line or label.
> >
> > So how can i do that without refreshing page. using AJAX and PHP only ?
> > i guess you already faced such situation so i would really appreciate
> > your
> > help.
> >
> > thanks a lot,
> >
> > --
> > Alain
> >
> Making an Ajax request for one little label maybe a bit overkill.
> As i understand you request the whole form through an Ajax request. And
> display this to the user? And every language generates a new form?
> Why not just create the form dynamically with javascript and load the data
> from PHP. So the form can stay the same for all calls. You just fill it with
> data depending on the language selected. You can fill the form for instance
> by sending a JSON encoded object from PHP to javascript.
> --
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