On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 07:55 +0200, Alain Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> Till now, i'm used to have a php file (for each language) to store all text
> labels for my international application.
> i tried with Ajax to improve it but it seems not so flexible at it promised.
> my purpose was to limit the transfer data and especially to not load too
> much the server with not important calculation as localization of
> application.
> therefore, i would like to know what do you do to have an international
> application ?
> 1. do you use JSON : 1 javascript file for each language and for each
> module. Code is not secured and everybody can read it.

Usually you use one "language" JavaScript file for each language. And
the JavaScript code itself is language neutral.

> 2. do you use PHP like i wrote above.

PHP would also use the language file. You could put all your language
stuff in a PHP file and have a script that can convert it to a
JavaScript loadable file. That way your maintenance occurs in one
location, but you can benefit from having the JS pre-created.

> 3. you use another method
> I would be glad to here from you the pros and cons of your experiences.

I've not done a lot with JavaScript and multilingualism. At least not in
a way that was overly important. With respect to content, I do use
separate content files. My InterJinn framework when it builds the pages
from the templates will grab template lang/X and fall back on template X
if the language specific version doesn't exist. This is automatic when
multilingual is enabled for a project. Then it's just a case of having
language strings defined for stuff like forms and error messages. here's
a site I recently launched:


The mapping of links to language specific content is all done at compile
time. The only run-time feature of the site is the random banner image
at the top and any forms. If *I* was to have a need for JavaScript like
you mention, I would build the language files from a PHP master file
automatically when building the site.

Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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