Please include the list when replying, unless you're willing to pay my standard hourly rate.

On 9 May 2008, at 20:49, Matthew Gonzales wrote:

Thanks for the responses. I think that I need to clarify.

I am looking to use an include to minimize the amount of code on the page. So I wanted to use an include to call the code from another file. They are functions that query and update the databse and move uploaded files. Hope this make more sense.

That's fine, just be sure not to include the file more than once per request or you'll get error messages regarding redeclaration of functions. You can also use the _once variations of include or require to get around this but bear in mind this causes a small performance hit.



Stut wrote:
On 9 May 2008, at 18:56, Bradley Stahl wrote:
Your code would essentially be "inserted" in the place where your include
statement is called.  Let's say that your in 'page.php' you had the
following code:

echo "I AM IN PAGE.PHP!";

and then in your script you have your code:

if (some variable) {

This would essentially be giving you the code:

if(some variable) {
  echo "I AM IN PAGE.PHP!";

I hope that this makes sense.. and this helps!

That's not quite right and I think it's important to understand exactly what PHP does here.

PHP is executing a file and encounters file inclusion (include/ require(_once)). PHP will load and compile the included file. During this stage it registers declarations in the global scope, i.e. classes and functions. After that it executes the included file in the same context from which it was included, so all local vars visible inside your if block will be accessible. Once that file's done PHP returns to executing the original file from the statement after the include.

Note that no code insertion takes place, it purely passes execution to the included file. It's this sequence that prevents you from defining a class across several files.

Hope that makes it clearer.


Matthew Gonzales
IT Professional Specialist
Enterprise Information Technology Services
University of Georgia
Phone: (706)542-9538

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