Hello. I am writing a script that scans some content for email addresses and
then encrypts them in a way to hide them from spam bots (For more
information, http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/ ). The Regular Expressions work
perfectly fine, I look for plain email addresses as well as hyperlink email
addresses (<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> and <a href="[EMAIL 
I am nearly done writing the script, the last requested feature is to have
some sort of tags or way of making it so that the emails within these tags
don't get encrypted. So for example the email within
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/nomailhide] won't get encrypted. I know how to
scan for the nomailhide tags and get its contents, I just can't figure out
how to make it so that the callbacks that encrypt the emails don't touch, or
ignore, the emails within the nomailhide tags. Perhaps I'm over complicating
things, but I've already asked people in regex and php IRC channels and they
too can't figure it out. I've spent 5 hours or so on this one problem and I
think my head's about to explode so I'm going to leave it for a while.

I would REALLY appreciate it if anyone could please help me out with this in
any way possible, I would really value your time. Please, someone, I'm so
desperate. If my message isn't really descriptive or anything please let me
know, it's just that I'm so sick and tired of all of this.

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