Robert Cummings wrote:
Out of curiosity.. have you thought about reworking your premise? Using
prev, current, and next is extremely sloppy IMHO. Additionally, it
prevents bookmarking a specific calendar date. Why don't you have a date
parameter that indicates the year and month? If no such field exists
then you fallback to current date. Then the situation becomes trivial
and doesn't require dependence on the session. Having looked at your
code it strikes me as very poorly thought out which makes it difficult
to ascertain your current problem. At any rate, it's obviously more
complex than is necessary.


$date = isset( $_GET['date'] ) ? $_GET['date'] : date( 'Y-m' );
list( $year, $month ) = explode( '-', $date );
$timestampCurr = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year );

$timestampPrev = strtotime( '-1 month', date( 'Y-m-d', $timestamp ) );
$timestampNext = strtotime( '+1 month', date( 'Y-m-d', $timestamp ) );

echo '<a href="?date='.date( 'Y-m', $timestampPrev ).'">Prev</a><br />';
echo '<a href="?date='.date( 'Y-m', $timestampCurr ).'">Curr</a><br />';
echo '<a href="?date='.date( 'Y-m', $timestampNext ).'">Next</a><br />';


Well, of course it's sloppy. I've only been coding PHP OOP since January. :) Given the app is barely in the alpha stage I wanted to start with a simple premise and wait till development is further along to make the ugly bits more elegant.

At the moment I don't understand why getStamp() isn't taking $dateStr and returning the the {year} for date stamps in past or future outside the current year.

(value being passed to getStamp() inside $dateStr is 'date('Y')-1')

When I can understand what I'm currently doing wrong premise changing will likely make a lot more sense.


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