My problem is that I would like to share the parameter.
For instance, goolge map key.

There are actually two files.


$googlemapkey="g8ejeUFEUHEU";// example
mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","test"."test");

Above is part of code;
I will excute main.php program.
then other.php run
But when other.php run, other.php requre $googlemapkey.
Of couse, I can get $googlemapkey if I use "include" or "require".
But if I use "include" or "require",
mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","test"."test") run again.

So this program send twice email. It is NOT GOOD.
I juse send $googlemapkey from mail.php to other.php

Please advice if you have any solution.


2008/6/4 Boyd, Todd M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I knew it .
>> But "Hello" and "Good" is different file.
>> I would like to get "Good" from b.php.
>> Please tell me goo advice.
>> Yui
>> 2008/6/4 Boyd, Todd M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> Thank you for your advice me!
>> >>
>> >> -------------My.php-------
>> >> <?php
>> >>
>> >> Class My{
>> >>        private $word;
>> >>        function __construct($getword){
>> >>             $this->word=$getword;
>> >>        }
>> >>        public function buff(){
>> >>             mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","test","test");
>> >>        }
>> >> }
>> >> ?>
>> >> ----------------------------------
>> >>
>> >> --------------b.php------------
>> >> <?php
>> >>   function __autoload($class_name) {
>> >>   include_once $class_name . '.php';
>> >>   }
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> $objref=new My("Good");
>> >> $objref->buff();
>> >> ?>
>> >> --------------------------------
>> >>
>> >> --------------c.php----------
>> >> <?php
>> >>   function __autoload($class_name) {
>> >>   include_once $class_name . '.php';
>> >>   }
>> >>
>> >> $obj=new My("Hello");
>> >> $obj->buff();
>> >> ------------------------------
>> >>
>> >> That is what I want to try.
>> >>
>> >> When c.php run, Mail() function run // < it is OK
>> >> When b.php run, it also run Mail() fuction. // it is NOT OK
>> >>
>> >> I would like to run Mail() function one time only from c.php.
>> >> However I also get prameter which declare "Good" in b.php
>> >>
>> >> Now when c.php and b.php run, the program send twice email. That is
>> > not
>> >> good!!
>> >> I would like to run c.php and b.php, then the program, which is
>> Mail()
>> >> function, get one email and get  "Good"  from b.php
>> >
>> > You are not making any sense... if you only want the Mail() function
>> to
>> > run once, then ONLY CALL ->BUFF() ONE TIME. It's that simple. You
> are
>> > mailing twice because you call buff() in two separate places--and
>> buff()
>> > in turn calls Mail(). I don't understand your problem.
>> >
>> > $objref = new My("Good");
>> > $obj = new My("Hello");
>> > $obj->buff();
>> >
>> > Bam. You get Hello, Good, and it sends one e-mail. Since you are
>> > completely abstracting your code from its real-world application,
>> that's
>> > the best I can do.
> I still don't get it. Please explain to me WHY this is not a solution to
> your problem?
> ===
> My.php
> ===
> <?php
> Class My{
>       private $word;
>       function __construct($getword){
>            $this->word=$getword;
>       }
>       public function buff(){
>            mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","test","test");
>       }
> }
> ?>
> ===
> b.php
> ===
> <?php
>        function __autoload($class_name) {
>                include_once $class_name . '.php';
>        }
>        $objref=new My("Good");
>        // $objref->buff(); NOTICE HOW THIS IS COMMENTED OUT!!!
> ?>
> ===
> c.php
> ===
> <?php
>        function __autoload($class_name) {
>                include_once $class_name . '.php';
>        }
>        $obj=new My("Hello");
>        $obj->buff();   // MAIL() IS EXECUTED HERE
> ?>
> If that doesn't work, then here are my questions:
> 1.) What on earth are you ACTUALLY trying to do?
> 2.) Does ->buff() NEED to be called for each instance of My()?
> 3.) Are you wanting multiple instances of this class to share data?
> 4.) If (3), then are you familiar with the STATIC property?
> Todd Boyd
> Web Programmer

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