I think I solved this issue by using the -d option on the commandline.

When I use:
php -d output_buffering=On ./filename.php

the local value / active value of output_buffering is correct.


On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 5:54 AM, Mike Burba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for ideas, Nathan.
>> dunno if this was a typo on your part, but shouldnt it be,
>> ini_get("output_buffering") ?
> yes...was getting tired last night.  but it is correct in the code.
>> you might not be getting your settings from the ini file you think you are,
>> or there could be another one in the way.  just for the hell of it, why not
>> give
>> php --ini
> This is a great idea...and I tried this but I'm using php 5.1.x and
> --ini flag is not available until 5.2.something. <sigh>
>> also, this brings up the point of setting local values on the cli.  im not
>> sure how to do it.  w/ apache, you can supply a .htaccess file which allows
>> you to alter values in the 'local' column of the phpinfo() output.  anyone
>> know how to do it on the cli ?
> Exactly my thoughts...anyone out there know?

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