i agree.
there's NOTHING more annoying than a broken validation
script when you're trying to enter valid, but weird, data.
perhaps separate the form up into one box for the
country code, one box for the number, and one box
for any add'l information (extensions, automated prompt
numbers, etc...), so that you'd only have to work at
validating the actual number (and not any extraneous
and oddly formatted info)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Werby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Re: [PHP] validate phone numbers
> people enter #s in many
> different formats and sometimes it's necessary to enter a # like
> "011-817-972-1086 x103" or "817-972-1086, 1, 3, 12" if you're dealing with
> business numbers with extensions or automated systems that have to be
> traversed. So you may be better off not validating the phone #. YMMV.
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