On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 01:14 +0300, Sancar Saran wrote:
> On Saturday 21 June 2008 00:23:04 Nitsan Bin-Nun wrote:
> > Someone had to start some thread like this..
> > I think we should create another list for those OT's as Daniel suggested.
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Regards & Shabat Shalom,
> > Nitsan
> >
> > btw
> > I cant see any reasonable cause to avoid OT's in the general list, but if
> > you think its not related, so it will be better to solve this arguments and
> > establish another list/find a solution to those OT's.
> Nothing,
> 20% 80% rule works here.
> So ?
> only 20% of posts have some real information other %80 percent of posts are 
> just useless.
> And The OT posts are make us community. 
> We are people, not god damn simbiotic answering machine...

That should be "symbiotic". Please fix your firmware buggy human.

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