Wei, Alice J. wrote:

>         I have got a task from my client asking me to build something
>         that allows the variables in the PHP file passed to another
>         PHP file or a file in a different computer language to perform
>         some operations on another remote machine. According to my
>         client, he calls this behind the scenes to avoid users screw
>         up the front end, and I am hoping that I can produce one
>         single script, and have it execute some script without the
>         user pushing any button. Has anyone tried using exec()
>         successfully in PHP to execute files from PHP or other
>         programming languages? For example, C, Python, or Perl.

Yeah, that's no big deal.  That's what exec() does. 

>     I have tried this by putting in
>     exec("http://www.mysite.com/calculate.php";);

Well, "http://www.mysite.com/calculate.php"; is not an executable.  Try
this instead: 

exec("php <path>/calculate.php");

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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