� I am working with videos and I need to Know how I can obtain the duration
of the videos

�I had a formula that did not need any�function
of�php, but i lost de page,� please i need any help with this.

Sorry for my english, i am from Cuba.

Lester..Univ de Cienfuegos..Informatica 3 A�o (*_*)>>>"Todos somos muy ignorantes. Lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos las mismas cosas"<<<(*_*)

Servicio del Grupo de Redes
Universidad de Cienfuegos

Here is a link to something that might get you started. Looks like this is only for AVI format. It is from a while back and I have no idea if it even works. Use at your own risk.


Looking at the script, they are doing the following to figure the duration

My guess would be that 'r' in the v_frames array is the total number of frames in the video. They take that and divide by the frames per second

$aviinfo['duration'] = ($aviinfo['v_frames']['r'] / $aviinfo['v_fps']);

Look simple/logical enough. You just need to know how to extract the total frame count and the frames per second. My guess is is that each format that you want to figure the duration for is going to have a different way of storing the data for FPS & total frames.

Good luck!

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