Robert Cummings wrote:
I will never do it... it looks ugly,

Only if you're not used to it. IMO this is how it should be taught in all the books and guides etc. If that was the case, the other way round would be ugly :)

especially when performing multiple
if comparisons on the variable.

Perhaps, but it's still not as ugly as a hideous error gone undetected which accidentally deletes all your customers' data.

Additionally, using a little red to
highlight the assignment operator but not the comparison operator works
just as well. Make machines work for you, not the other way around.

Well whatever floats your boat. :)

Personally, editor configuration is all well and good, but if you work in a team and regularly edit other peoples' code (and as such they use other editors with other configurations) and some people are colour blind etc. so can't use red and other colours so easily, editor configuration will never replace habits like this which use the language itself to ensure better QA.

But each to their own!


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